Sunday, July 5, 2015

Wordplay #6 word prompt: Innocent

This word prompt was found at  It is prompt 36 - wordplay #6. The challenge is to think about this word and write about what comes to mind.  Your thoughts can be written as poetry, prose, or a story.

Our son was about three years old and loved to be outside in the yard when his sisters and neighbor children were there too, but since he was younger, he often found his own way of entertaining himself.  This particular day he got his wagon and found something he could do that wouldn't require any of their help.

I was finishing up a few chores inside the house and could easily check on the kids, but there was one area in the yard that I couldn't see unless I went outside and around the other side of the garage.  

As I went to the front door to go see what the children were doing, I was greeted by our beaming young son.  I glanced from his smiling face to the heavy laden red wagon he was pulling, and was aghast! 

Along one side of our garage we had put in a raised bed garden plot and had planted a few things, like lettuce, tomatoes, and beans.  It was later in the summer, and there were quite a few green tomatoes growing on our vines, but there wasn't a hint of ripeness to be found.  We were wondering if and when they would ripen.

Our son was so proud of himself for picking all the "apples"  for me!  After all, he'd watched me buy green apples at the store many times.  He no doubt saw all those round green "apples" within his reach and thought he could help Mommy.

(Note:  Green tomatoes can be put in a single layer in a box, covered with paper towels and put in a dark room.  They will ripen as long as they are their full size.  It is important not to forget about them though.  Keep checking on them for signs of ripeness.  Of course, some people love fried green tomatoes.  When I was growing up, we used to eat green tomato slices, dipped in egg and cornmeal and then fried.)


  1. Very cute story of your sonny boy. Children are really innocent!

  2. Cute story! I've never had fried green tomatoes, but would love to try them!
