This is a blog hop that has been operating for quite a few years now, with several other hosts preceding Kristi's time at the helm. The other hosts set a wonderful example of what is needed to keep a blog hop hopping.
The link opens up on Friday at 1:00 a.m. MT and stays open until Tuesday 11:55 p.m. MT so there is still time for you to write a Ten Things of Thankful post on your blog and link your post. The more TToT posts, the more reminders to all the readers of the positive things occurring in people's lives. Of course not every week is hunky-dory for everyone, and maybe you feel that you just survived, but share that one thing. It isn't a requirement that you share 10 every week. It is more like a suggestion. Surviving is a good thing, and something to celebrate. Click the link read the posts that are ready for viewing. Comments are welcomed.
Siblings visit with mom
My brother was able to fly up to visit our mom. Mom was more alert and that made the visit especially nice since he isn't able to see her as often as I do.
Music that touches my heart: The Place Where Lost Things Go and All My Life's a Circle. When I go see the movie, Mary Poppins Returns, I know I'm going to have to take a wad of tissues. I haven't been able to listen to this song, which has received an Academy Award nomination for Best Song, without crying.
Participating in a couple of other blog hops that I'd been absent from for a while, i.e. Six Sentence Stories hosted by Denise of Girlie on the Edge's Blog and Finish the Sentence Friday hosted by Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee
Physical therapy sooner than expected because there had been some cancellations
Mom ate all her lunch! Those who suffer from Alzheimer's often struggle with eating as the disease progresses. I was so surprised when mom accepted the food on her tray today. She let me feed her until it was all gone. Normally she hasn't been eating much, except for drinking her nutritional drink.
Learned about some benefits that hydrotherapy (the kind which requires alternating soaking one's feet in hot water then cold) might have for me
Going for a walk late in the afternoon after the fog lifted
I could finally see the sunshine, even though I couldn't feel the warmth.
I could finally see the sunshine, even though I couldn't feel the warmth.
Receiving a dinner invitation and although we won't be able to accept, it was nice to be considered
Texts and phone calls checking up on me
There is nothing like an unexpected text or phone call from a friend to cheer a person up.
First time ordering a couple of clothing items online for myself, and they fit!
I've always avoided going that route because I didn't want to bother returning the clothing if it didn't fit.
Learning some features of my Photos app that I didn't realize were there
Do you ever think to yourself, "How come I never saw that before?"
Learning some features of my Photos app that I didn't realize were there
Do you ever think to yourself, "How come I never saw that before?"
Forever thankful for my husband and our family