If one looks around, there are often things for which one could feel grateful, but the trouble is sometimes other things in life seem to push aside what is right there in front of us and blind our view of the minute as well as the stupendous rewards of being alive. If you are having one of those times when the blinders are keeping you from seeing and remembering, I hope that you will be blessed with those louvers being moved so that you can take in those scenes, perhaps even memories from your past, that will help you see and feel what is there to lift your spirits and bring a sense of gratitude.
Thanks to Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not, for hosting the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop so we can have a way to quickly share with others our reflections on gratefulness this week.
Oregon swallowtail butterfly |
1. Health issues for both of us are less alarming now and may actually put me on the right track for figuring out a puzzling health challenge I have had
2. Water for the thirsty creatures
Although this large tub of water draws a lot of birds to it, this time of the year, especially during these higher temperatures, we also have a steady stream of deer coming for fresh water.
Doe and her spotted fawn |
3. A neighbor’s offer of fresh vegetables from her abundant garden
Fresh chard from the garden is one of my favorite vegetables! Do you like to eat chard?
4. A friend dropping by to visit for a little while
5. Problem solving how to get a better night’s rest when wearing a CPAP mask
I found a way to quiet the sound of the hose rubbing against the headboard and causing me to wake up at night numerous times. The hose now hangs over an extension on the pole lamp beside the bed. I wrapped an old washcloth over the extension so there is no sound if the hose moves. It is so nice to have a good night’s rest.
6. A grown nephew who had chosen to not get the COVID vaccine was released from the hospital after having to spend five days there because he was diagnosed with COVID pneumonia is now able (fortunately) to continue healing at home.
Note: There is no need to comment on this one, as there are probably varying positions by readers about the importance of getting the vaccine or not getting it.
7. How three or more sources are better than just one or two when it comes to discovering the truth of a matter
After wondering about what a census taker wrote for my grandfather’s occupation in 1910, I did some research and discovered a 1911 city directory that gave the correct information. The census information gave his employment as being with the Federal Express Co. Just for further proof I found articles about the history of the Federal Express Company which showed that the company didn’t exist in 1910 or 1911. The United States Express Company did and was shown as my grandfather’s employer in the 1911 directory. In 1914 the United States Express Company ceased operation due to the Parcel Post Law. Scroll down to Automobiles in this link to see how packages began to be delivered in the United States after 1913.
8. Thanks to someone’s comment on FB, I too know how to make the curser on my computer screen appear larger long enough for me to find it. (In case you have been wondering how to do that, just shake the mouse.)
9. Oregon swallowtail butterfly poses
Every year I look forward to when our butterfly bush is in bloom, because that is when we see the return of the Oregon swallowtail butterflies. Often one of the tails has broken from all that flitting from one blossom to the another, but today was my lucky day, and this beautiful butterfly was willing to stick around long enough for me to get several photos of it in different positions.
Oregon swallowtail butterfly |
Oregon swallowtail butterfly |
10. Staying in touch with family and friends through the good news and the bad news
Extra thankful that we could celebrate Vic's 80th birthday!!!