Saturday, July 11, 2015

Friday Four Fill-in-Fun

Friday Four Filll-in-Fun is a blog hop from Feeling Beachie.  There are four sentences that require one filling in the blanks.

1.  I hate going to very noisy restaurants because it is very difficult for me to hear the conversations of my friends.

2.  I want more people to have increased tolerance for those of different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs and less tendency to judge.

3.  I have regifted items that are brand new, with the price tags and labels still on them from garage sales or thrift stores, depending on the occasion for the gift.

4.  Praying first thing in the morning is the secret to being able to handle things that arise during the day in the best possible way.

I made this pillow in 1980.  This quotation is very similar to the anonymous quotation, "Life is fragile, handle with prayer."  For years I had this pillow displayed on our sofa, but it has been "retired" because I was afraid the tatting would wear out.  The message has not been "retired."

Friday Four Fill-in-Fun


  1. Nice answers and I am very impressed with the pillow you embroidered.

    1. Thank you. That was the first item for which I made the tatting that is on it.
