Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ten Things of Thankful

Just because I might be one of the latest to post to the Ten Things of Thankful post each week doesn't mean I don't have plenty for which to be grateful.  It wouldn't feel right if I didn't acknowledge that each week.  Somehow it does my heart good to remember that even from time to time when there are disappointments, trials, sadness, illness, and the unknown awaiting, there are always good things to be noticed, enjoyed, felt, shared and given.

The passing of a dear woman that I have known for 34 years passed away last night.  I'm thankful that earlier in the week another friend and I had a nice visit with her.  Upon learning of her stroke yesterday, I went to see her in the hospital.  I learned she probably wouldn't be around for long and she was uncommunicative.

I'm thankful that this week I not only was able to meet for another Quarterly Focus meeting at the Nursing Center regarding my Mom's care and activity this past quarter, but a couple of days later I sat in when the physician spoke with Mom and examined her.  Sometimes I feel like a parent meeting with one of our children's teachers and getting a progress report.  I come away feeling proud of my Mom and of the staff.  They all seem to love her.  Physically she is doing quite well considering her advanced years.  The Alzheimer's doesn't get better, but that is the nature of this disease.

Earlier in the week we were able to have the lighting fixtures installed that we purchased recently.  Each time I walk into the storage room now, I just love not having to carry a flashlight to find what I need.  Eventually things do wear out and need to be replaced, but for one reason or another some things end up being put on the waiting list.  Such was the case with the lighting in this room.

It was wonderful to be able to attend a wedding reception yesterday.  In the city, one of the very old buildings that was a large department store when I was growing up, now has many smaller shops. On the top floor is a large room that can be reserved for meetings, receptions, etc.  The reception was held there.  It was wonderful to be able to gather with friends to enjoy this special occasion.

This time of year many homes and businesses have Christmas displays.  Saturday I attended the Nativity (which is actually a display of many nativities) at the Salem Oregon Stake Center.  A stake is just the name for a territorial division of my church.  Members of the church and people in the community who which to display their nativities do this each year.  It is a free event open to the public. I am thankful for this wonderful way to start off the month of December when we celebrate Christmas.

Although I still haven't started decorating my home, that will begin this week.  However, my Christmas cacti apparently decided that they were going to actually bloom for Christmas instead of blooming at Thanksgiving like some of them have done in the past.  This probably has something to do with the fact that the plants were moved to other places in the home earlier in the year when I had my back surgery.  The little begonia is still growing and blooming.  I'm beginning to wonder if the branch is strong enough for all the growth.   I'm thankful for the beauty and multiplicity of designs of flower blossoms just in my little part of the world, not to mention all those I haven't seen in other places.

As I was downloading some photos from my camera, I had quite a scare this evening.  I thought I'd ejected my card reader before the photos had finished downloading and not only that, I'd already reformatted my card.  I could only see just a few of my downloaded photos on the screen.  After considering the situation, I decided to close out of the Photo program and then reopen it.  I'm thankful for little thoughts like that, because my photos magically appeared.  Yeah!

I'm thankful for a sweet little handwritten note we received from a grandchild this week.

Today as I drove to visit with Mom, I listened to some beautiful classical music.  As a child I probably only heard music played by orchestras as notes all meshed together.  Over the years of my life I've discovered the beauty of hearing the melodies and refrains played by individual instruments or sections of an orchestra.  I think it is kind of like seeing a crowd, group, congregation, class, bouquet, etc. as a whole versus seeing the individuals or parts within each.  Each one has value and makes a contribution if we open our eyes and see.

I'm thankful for my husband and the love we share for one another.  He makes me laugh and smile, and we work as a team in helping one another "remember."

It is my hope that you will remember to be thankful for the little things, as well as the big things, throughout this coming week!



  1. Hi Pat. The Nativity must be a lovely event to begin the Christmas season. I would love to see the nativities from other countries, the worldwide story told in so many places. I inherited some of those doilies with the pineapples on them from my husband's great aunt. They are so pretty, a lost art. Enjoy the season.

    1. It is interesting to see nativities made in other lands. I never learned how to crochet the pineapple design. My mother-in-law made the pineapple designed table cloth. Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy this season too.

  2. I've always enjoyed seeing different and unique Nativity scenes. Your flowers are lovely - and so is that lace tablecloth.

    Lighting, especially good strong lighting, is definitely worth a mention on anybody's thankful list.

    1. I'm still smiling every time I go in that room, because it is now so bright!

  3. We have a light in a hallway that has been out for about three years. I have the light to replace it, but alas, haven't gotten anyone in to fix it. It's on the list, there's just more pressing matters to attend to. Isn't that how it always is?
    I'm glad you were able to visit with your friend before her stroke. I'm guessing the memories of the visit will help you through the coming difficult days. I'll be praying for your friend and her family.
    I'm also glad your mom is doing so well.
    Beautiful flowers! I would love to have a blooming plant in my house when it's so cold outside.

    1. Flowers in bloom indoors during the winter months, do make things cheerier. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my friend and her family.

  4. Sorry for your loss, just before Christmas like that, but glad you had one last vitit, even if she wasn't maybe able to communicate.
    Yay, let there be light.
    Glad you have someone, a partner to make you smile and who is your team mate.
    Hope your week is going well.

    1. My husband and I take turns making one another smile, especially when we think we've heard one thing, but what was said was actually something else. :-)

  5. The poinsettia is one that was given to the nursing home where Mom is. It really is gorgeous. The purple-pinkish flower is a Christmas cactus.

    All ages can participate in displaying their nativities. There were some really creative and cute Lego nativities! I haven't seen the photo of the budget nativity that you mentioned.
