Friday, November 20, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful

 It is time again to hop on board the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. Are you ready?  I'm linking up over at Dyanne's of Backsies is What There Is Not. She recently took over the reins of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. 

1. The windstorm didn’t disturb the wet leaves I had raked into piles a day earlier.

Wet maple leaves raked into piles along the driveway

2. Our phone that is connected to a fiber optic line was not working for at least three days this week. Since I have a cell phone too, we were not completely without phone service.

3. The same day our phone began working again (I am giving Vic the credit here.), Vic also got a good report regarding some recent lab work (A HUGE thankful!)

4. Getting a new Audible book that is totally enjoyable and makes me laugh

Do you have a favorite book that makes you laugh and lifts your spirits?

5. A Christmas cactus in bloom and other cacti setting buds

Hot pink Christmas cactus starting to bloom

6. Knowledge about all things wax (Six Sentence Stories, another blog hop, had wax as the prompt word this week.)

7. Preparation for Big Sur, new operating system for the Mac 

I take things slowly to make sure having the new system isn’t going to throw a kink in existing apps, especially my Reunion app. This week I downloaded the latest version of Reunion to avoid any problems when I do download Big Sur.

8. A warm loaf of bread received from a neighbor

9. Being able to share old photos of family reunions on a private Facebook virtual family reunion  and watching the page grow as more descendants of the originators of the first reunion early on in the last century join the page and are able to identify some of the people in the photos

10. A rather dusty visitor came to see me while I was sweeping a particularly dusty area in the barn

A rather dusty woolly bear caterpillar

It is a great message leading into the season of Thanksgiving.


  1. One of my favorite books is The Way of the Bull by the late Leo Buscaglia. Lately, much of my reading has been poetry books. That wooly bug may mean a mild winter.

    1. I have read one of his books and enjoyed it. I received Born to Love as a gift over 20 years ago.
      I wasn't aware of the folklore regarding the length of the bands of color on the woolley bear caterpillars being a predictor of the winter weather. Interesting.

  2. Your Christmas cactus is beautiful.

  3. Terrific list, Pat, especially the news about Vic's lab reports!

  4. one good thing about pine needles, they tend to not blow around on windy days, lol (almost offsets how difficult they are to rake)
    we still have a landline, actually is a wall phone (the kind that always is on the wall where the kitchen turns into the rest of the house) can't remember the last time I used it
    (late this week, the change of change plays havoc with my routines)

    1. I would think pine needles blowing around on windy days would be almost as dangerous as walking on the beach when the winds start using the grains of sand as weapons against any unprotected skin.
      I understand about what the change of time does to one's routines.
