When you try to recall what you did over a period of time of whatever length, do you trust your memory, or do you resort to clues, like a note on a calendar, or just looking around the house or yard hoping for something to jump out at you that will trigger something in your mind? When it comes to preparing for these weekly blog hop posts, I have taken a variety of approaches. What works best for you?
1. Luggage moments
My husband has more than once mentioned how they put a man on the moon before they put wheels on luggage. This week when I discovered the value of using a feather duster (one that actually has feathers) to try dusting my Christmas cacti before they start blooming, I was astounded by how much better and quicker that approach worked than my previous method.
2. Attending Empty Nest luncheons
Having an opportunity once a month to meet with friends who have children who have left the nest, is something we enjoy. Depending on schedules and commitments, we have missed some of the lunches, but not this week. A local restaurant with a large buffet usually has something that everyone can enjoy.
3. A photo of Mom and me
One of the sympathy cards I received this week included a photo that my friend had taken when we were visiting my mother several years ago. I appreciate her thoughtful gesture.
4. Rake and leaf blower
On this hillside we have plenty of leaves on the ground from the oak trees and the maple trees. Thanks to the drier weather, we were able to each grab tool and make short work of a big project.
A photo taken a previous fall of rain soaked maple leaves |
5. Invitations
There is nothing like invitations that give a person the feeling of being included. This week I received three different kinds of invitations. The one this week will be gathering with others to celebrate an upcoming event in a young woman's life. The other two next week include going to the temple and getting together for a study group.
6. Television stations that start working again after having taken a weekend hiatus
We were not sure why we were not able to watch any local stations all last weekend, but were set to call someone on Monday. My husband decided to try one more time. He turned on the TV and the stations were all up and running again.
7. Being able to decipher the pop-up message on my phone by going to YouTube before clicking to initiate the action
Sometimes I just want to know more before just aimlessly doing something that looks official, but may not be a wise move.
8. Stories
The race is on. I need to ramp up my speed a bit in order to write the number of stories I desire for the book of my personal stories before the end of the year. I should be able to continue with this increased pace. It has become plain to see the value and importance of writing about one's life for not only one's posterity, but for the lessons one learns from contemplating one's life.
9. Humor through random comments
A new type of humor has erupted in a group text my kids and I have. It is called random comments. I think it got started accidentally, but immediately caught on. Basically one person just shares a word or maybe two which leaves the rest of the group wondering what THAT is all about. The comments that spew forth bring laughter and a plethora of emoji. A little laughter is good.
Seeing this little frog perched on the head of this swallow painted on the sign gave us a good laugh a few years ago. |
10. Family connecting
Several months ago I accepted a Facebook friend invite thinking it was someone I knew. Afterward, I realized she wasn't who I thought she was. I didn't unfriend her because I thought maybe I would eventually figure out why she sent the invite. That moment came early this week. Her dad is my second cousin. I saw a comment he had made on one of her posts and I recognized the name as being one that was on my Mother's Christmas card list. (When the Alzheimer's made everything too confusing for her, there was a period of time several years back when I addressed her Christmas cards for her and she just signed them.)
11. Vic, always and forever.
A beautiful rainbow we saw the morning my mother passed away |