Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ten Things of Thankful

Although this week has been disconcerting to me in some ways because of the similarities I see to some disturbing events in history, I am grateful for things that transpired that helped me to see the goodness, charitable acts, willingness of people to rise above those things that would tear asunder all that has been achieved and that is beneficial for the human race.  These are my ten things of thankful that I am posting to the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop.

November blue skies, but December mistletoe awaits

1.  The weather cooperated enough that much progress was made in getting the solar panels ready for installation.

2.  Hubby and I met with some other empty nesters for lunch.

3.  An invitation to see photos that our neighbors took of their recent trip to Ireland.  It was fun be a part of their trip, though vicariously.  I have a lot of Irish in me, but I've never visited Ireland.

4.  A nice visit with two women from church who visit me or contact me monthly.  If there is ever a need, they are ready to help out.  Mostly, I just really enjoy their friendship and being able to share our lives with one another.

5.  A nice lunch with some women from church.  We tried out a new restaurant that lets you build your own pizza.

6.  An invitation to visit a place where our son used to spend some time on camp outs when he was in Boy Scouts.  The place is now under different ownership.  We were able to walk on the property and see the progress they have made with the help of those knowledgeable individuals who have advised and helped them.   Improvements are being made in tree farm restoration, upland prairie and oak restoration, floodplain restoration, improvement of the slough, etc.  It was such a beautiful day, and being able to see and learn of the efforts of so many was indeed impressive.  Our son loved this place, and I can certainly see why.

7.  Learned a new craft at a church craft night.  I'd never used a wood burning tool until this week.  I found it to be quite fun.

8.  Going up to listen to a gentleman play such wonderful music on the piano for those at the nursing home.  I'm not sure how well Mom was able to hear the music, but I know that I thoroughly enjoyed it and she enjoyed having me there with her.  This man is well up in years and can add rousing accompaniment to just a melody line.  What a gift he has and what a great service he renders.  He usually ends his hour of playing with some  hymns, and "God Bless America."  This week, more than some others, that last piece was especially touching.

9.  Going to a couple more Christmas bazaars.  At one of them I received a free nerve scan of my back from a chiropractor.  My experience in the past with a chiropractor wasn't especially beneficial.  I learned that the chiropractor I talked to today is a Maximized Living Chiropractor.  After looking at the website, this sounds more up my line than what I have experienced in the past.

10.  Gratitude for my faith which helps me feel hopeful and helps strengthen my courage to stand up and speak out for what is right.


  1. Pat, I get a feeling of peace when I read your list. Certainly the walks in the woods, time spent with friends and church groups and inspiring music are all things that make the heart soar. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Val. I'm glad you felt peace while reading my post. I hope that you have a good week too.

  2. #7 (I liked you list, as always, it is concise, direct and engaging on most levels)....however! I laughed as a resonated memory hit me when you mentioned wood-burning. I still can see it and, as so often happens with memories from childhood, a whole bunch of things came back with the image of a wood-burning too.... happiness at initial success, ambition for developing an artistic expression and the search for media!! lol that's the part that gets hazy... I think I expressed myself too frequently. I may or may not have had my wood-burning tool confiscated by my parents.
    enjoyed your post

    1. I laughed when I read about your memory of the wood-burning tool. A child with a wood-burning tool and lots of wooden items certainly leaves a lot to the imagination, especially if supervision was lacking for a bit.

  3. What was the result of the wood burning? Craft night sounds fun.

    1. It is a little difficult to explain. It is a seasonal decoration. I just looked on Pinterest and discovered all sorts of things that calls for woodburning. We usually have a craft night in Oct. or Nov. each year for our Enrichment Night activity.

  4. A few times that scent was pretty strong, when I should have lifted the tool off the wood perhaps a second or two sooner. I love watching skilled wood carvers. I haven't tried that art yet, and probably won't since I'd likely cut myself.

  5. That is a really blue sky--looks more like August than November! :-)

    1. I'm really enjoying those blue, blue sky while we can.
