Why the number 10, one may question. To be honest I have no idea, other than the first host of this blog hop may have proposed that number. Whatever the case may be, the tradition has continued, even though the hosts have changed over the years. Currently Dyanne, of Backsies Is What There Is Not, is our host along with several co-hosts. Although the number ten is in the title, it really isn't set in stone, so don't let that keep you from participating. The main idea is to share those things for which you are grateful. I am linking my post to Ten Things of Thankful and invite you to write a post on your blog and link up if you like, or at the very least just jot down on paper why you are thankful.
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Narcissus Delnashaugh a Double Daffodil |
1. We have some weeds that the little goldfinches love. They like to eat the buds on the plants. (We have been told that it is not a weed to have around if you have cows or horses, and thankfully there aren’t any in the neighborhood.)
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Common Groundsel (Senecio Vulgaris) |
2. The deer seem to naturally avoid these plants, so I suspect they instinctively know not to eat them. I don't know if there are any studies done on whether the plants are poisonous to deer, but I do know that animals sometimes do avoid eating certain plants.
3. I do enjoy watching the goldfinches landing on the somewhat flimsy plants causing the birds to bob as they feed on the buds. Picture a miniature bird carnival playground, as these birds arrive in flocks and feed and bob. Sorry, I don't have a photo of this activity.
3. After switching from using a big chest freezer to only using the freezer above the refrigerator, I knew that I truly needed some kind of an organization plan, so things didn’t try to escape whenever I opened the freezer door. I ordered some clear freezer bins with lids and handles. Immediately after they arrived, I sorted my frozen packages into them creating order in the coldest of places. Does anyone else get excited about getting something, even small things like freezer bins, that makes life a little easier?
4. This week I was able to send an old photo as an attachment in an email to a distant relative. The people in the photo are not identified, and I am in hopes she or another relative she knows may be of help in identifying the people. If not, I may have to try Dead Fred.
5. Being able to get out and take some walks in the area this week was wonderful! Some reprieve from the pain that has been my companion has allowed me to again enjoy this kind of activity. What a blessing this is.
6. Movies that make a person think, consider, remember, or evoke feelings of happiness, as well as the great people that share their talents to make these productions
7. The flowering red current bush my husband planted years ago that has grown into a massive display of color. The hummingbirds love it!
8. Seeing the aftermath of an accident, although not a welcome sight, is always better than being in one or seeing it happen. I am thankful that the former was my lot this week, and at least as I drove by, I could say a little prayer for the victims and their families and for those on the scene helping.
9. Sharing in the happiness of others who reach milestones, and achieve goals
10. Vic and our family
#8 ...especially when the accident is a glimpse into an alternate reality (close enough to your day's path) to make you feel that, 'for want of being a little earlier, the day would have been so different.'
ReplyDeleteLizzi used to actually writing grate lists on a daily basis... and there were time, I believe, when she had lists of 50!!
My memory refuses to back me up when I try to remember if the number (of Thankfuls) was established to support the number of co-hostinae...originally ten people, or the other way around.
Wow! Lists of 50! Now that is very impressive. Go, Lizzi!