Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful

Giving thanks is a course from which we never graduate. ---Anon.

With this quotation I carry on with my weekly post of ten things for which I am thankful. I am linking up to the blog hop Ten Things of Thankful hosted by Kristi of Thankful Me. If you want to join in with this weekly practice, click here and read the short list of rules. The benefits of adding this practice to one's life are immeasurable!

1. It was great to have a nice-sized group attending the Empty Nester’s lunch at our favorite buffet gathering place this week.

2. After debating on whether to get the audio version of the next book club book, whether to get the Kindle version or possibly pick up a used copy somewhere, I opted for the audio, especially after finding out there was a great President’s Day offer for the Audible subscription.
(The last Audible book I got was a free trial and I was debating on whether to go ahead and subscribe.)

3. When I wasn’t able to find the desired book at any of the used book stores or thrifts stores, I wasn’t about to go home empty handed, especially when I spotted a skirt and top at a great price. Great unexpected find!

4. This week has been a bit of a learning curve for me as I have tried to learn the ropes again on When one steps away from anything internet related for a bit, it doesn’t take long to see that a lot has changed in the interim. Thanks to a friend who spent some time on the phone with me and walked me through a few things, I was able to feel more comfortable with the changes. There is still a lot more to learn, but at least I know where to find more of the help I will need on the site. I spent some time practicing too, and that of course boosted my confidence.

5. Just as someone had helped me this week with some questions I had, I also had an opportunity to help someone else the following day.

6. One of our TToT bloggers recently shared a link to a YouTube video that  got me moving. . .literally! After watching the one she shared, I found another one which is similar to one an exercise group I know is following. I am working up to the point where I will start working out with the group in the near future. Since I am trying to take things a little slower at this point, I just wanted to exercise at home for the time being.

7. A neighbor brought some gravel over to spread on the muddy lane we were having to travel on to get to our driveway. What a nice, unexpected surprise! We didn’t even realize what he had done, until someone called us that night to ask if we had put the gravel on the lane. (Having a home built into a hillside provides a nice sound barrier, so we didn’t hear him working.)

8. We have an older pickup truck that isn’t driven as much as our car. It was behind on some needed repairs. Being able to get it scheduled quickly and having needed parts arrive the following day was greatly appreciated.

9. I have been wanting to see the new Little Women movie and this was the night. Yeah for a movie night with my husband . . .

10. And dinner out afterwards and plenty to bring home for tomorrow! Sometimes we celebrate Valentine’s Day early.❤️

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  1. Number 7 sounds like the best of surprises, nothing event driven and totally practical. Nice thing to do.
    I'm still smiling at Number 6, not the value of an exercise video but the visual that showed up in my head of the potential at home exercise inherent in the second video I used on this week's TToT.
    (It's just a jump to the left) lol

    1. It was quite a nice surprise!.
      Okay, you have me curious. Definitely will be checking out your second video.
      Hope you have a great week ahead.

  2. I love Audible and has subscribed for many years only putting it on hold for a few months during the times I made no budget for it. I love listening when doing boring tasks for me like when cleaning the house.

    1. Carin, I will have to check into the idea of putting in on hold if I need to do that sometime. I wonder if that is possible when you subscribe by the year. I'll look into that.

  3. Are you getting excited for RootsTech? I am! I'm currently reading The Blind Side, in preparation for Leigh Anne Tuohy's address. I've seen the movie, of course, but the book isn't exactly the same.

    1. Yes, I am excited about going to RootsTech!
      I am listening to Destiny of the Republic, the book that was selected for our next book club discussion. So interesting!
