Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful

It is quite surprising to me sometimes the things that come to the surface when one starts writing. Yesterday, and even early this morning, I found myself wondering what I was going to list for this post to Ten Things of Thankful. I knew there were items worth mentioning, but there are times when those things seem to be in the midst of a big stirring pot of life not quite ready to bubble up to the top. Anyway, I am glad they did once I began to write. I am thankful for Kristi of Thankful Me who is our host and for the other co-hosts (Clark, Lisa, and Dyanne) who are important ingredients in this blog hop. Click here to go to the Ten Things of Thankful site where the rules are laid out for how to jump into this blog hop. 

1. I woke up this morning
It was just a dream, not a nightmare, that seemed to go on and on. I am told that some people can make themselves wake up when they are having a stressful dream, but I am not one of those people. When I woke up, I was so happy to be out of that dream, up and awake. Yeah for waking up! BTW, are you able to make yourself wake up when you are dreaming? 

2. Colors
In the northwest the foliage is displaying fall colors, and I am thankful for their beauty which seemed especially brilliant  underneath the canopy overhead. 

3. The sky
Today, the sky was putting on its own beautiful show with clouds billowing, curling, boiling, bumping into one another, and then merging and changing  quickly into masses of different shapes and colors all the way from pure white to the darkest of grays while still allowing shades of blue sky not to be completely obscured. It was a challenge to keep my eyes on the road ahead when I was driving. 

4. No lightning strike on our property today
Some parts of the state ended up falling victim to the end result of those troubled clouds. I am thankful they just passed by us this time.

5. Therapy dogs
As I was entering the nursing home today, I met a therapy dog and owner leaving. I am thankful for people who know how much of a difference therapy animals can make in the lives of people who cannot have or care for a pet. 

6. Those who reach out
Today I received a text from one of my mom’s former neighbors just to inquire about how my mom is doing. I appreciated her reaching out to me.

7. Luncheon/meeting
Recently when I had my yearly physical I was given a form to sign if I was interested in attending an advisory council meeting to discuss concerns, make suggestions, etc. about the clinic. I signed the paper. I received an invitation to attend one of the meetings this week. It was a productive meeting and I think a very good business move involving some of the patients in this way.

8. Going to the temple with a friend
It has been a very busy month with lots of things that have drained my energy. It was wonderful to be able to set a day aside to go the temple where I feel so at peace. My friend drove this time, and I always enjoy going to the temple with her. In addition we saw a couple who no longer live in our ward (the term used to define our congregation). It was so nice to visit with them.

9. Discovering a puzzle
Today as I was doing more decluttering I came across something in one of my kitchen drawers that I rarely open. Neither my husband or I have a clue as to what this item is. I sent a photo of it to one our daughters thinking she might know.  She didn’t know either. Even Google’s answer, after seeing the image, just came up with a tool and the response to another try was a circle. LOL I looked through 18 online pages of a well known store that sells lots of kitchen tools. It is still a puzzle. Any ideas from my blogging friends?

10. Movie date with my husband
Making time to spend special time with the person you love best is so important and I love those times together.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Six Sentence Stories - Scale

Lisa of The Prolific Pulse has written some acrostic style stories written in only six sentences. Denise of Girlie on the Edge's Blog is the host for the blog hop Six Sentence Stories - Scale. I decided to use the acrostic style for my post this week. Click the link to peruse other bloggers' writing styles. (Since the word scale only has five letters, I took the liberty of making it plural in order to make this a six sentence story.)


She wished that she had prepared her body better for the weekend trek that would take her to the highest peak she had  tackled to date.

Climbing brought her a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that she hadn’t felt in any of her other pursuits.

Acclimating herself to the higher elevation was more difficult than she had anticipated.

Leading the party was an experienced climber who took care of those in his charge, making sure they took time to rest and refuel their bodies.

Enduring the aching in her muscles was part of the price she was willing to pay.

Surveying the scenic grandeur from the summit was more exhilarating than she could have ever imagined.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful

Since I am a little later than usual linking up to the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop hosted by Kristi of Thankful Me I feel a need to get on the stick and get this posted. I suspect that some of the other co-hosts, Clark, Dyanne and Lisa beat me to the punch, but that is one of the advantages of having a host and several co-hosts.

1. 56th wedding anniversary
When my husband and I got married, it was a rainy day that afternoon when we took our vows, but as we left the reception at my parents' home afterwards, the heavens opened up. (I suspect that our parents would have appreciated receiving a call that we made it safely to our destination that night considering the curvy slick roads that we were traveling on as we made our way to the coast, but we were just so in love and happy to be married that we never gave it a thought to make that long distance call.) We have had our share of stormy rainy days recently in advance of our anniversary. It was interesting to see how the deer have faced these electrical storms accompanied by heavy rains. While some deer huddled together under tall fir trees (not the safest place to run to), others kept their distance as shown in the video clip below.

2. Just as some people seem to withstand the storms of life better than others, so do some trees.
A very tall fir tree on our lane was struck by lightning recently. There was some concern as to whether the tree needed to be cut down after seeing the damage that was done, but when the neighbors called an arbor company, it was determined that the tree was okay to let stand.

3. We celebrated our wedding anniversary by seeing the musical, Singin' in the Rain Jr.
It is always exciting to be able to watch young people perform in musicals, and especially so when you have grandchildren participating. I am constantly amazed by talent displayed by today's youth. I am also thankful for the safe travel we had in spite of the very heavy traffic causing a much longer travel time on our trip there. Returning home seemed like a piece of cake in comparison.

4. Puppies
We had been looking forward to meeting this puppy in person for some time. This weekend we had our formal introduction. (Okay, not so formal.)  From the size of his favorite stick to drag around, I think he is trying to make it clear that in spite of his cute appearance he wants to be taken seriously. As a golden retriever that may be a bit hard to accomplish.

Six-month old golden retriever dragging
a big stick

5. I am thankful that the repairman who came to take care of our screeching clothes dryer didn't have to replace a part.
One night I threw a load of clothes into the dryer. The load wasn't quite done when I went to bed, but I'd no sooner gotten in bed when I heard a terrible screeching sound. Immediately I went to the utility room and turned off the dryer. Thankfully I had empty dirty clothes baskets because it was going to be a weekend plus three days before the repairman could come. It was astounding that such a very tiny pebble between the drum and glides caused such a commotion.

This very tiny pebble in my clothes dryer
caused quite a commotion.

6. I am thankful for medicine that does what it is supposed to do.
My bone density has improved a little this past year thanks to the weekly medication I take.

7. Spider traps
With the advent of fall it seems that a few spiders show up a month early for Halloween, but I was ready.

8. Taking time to read quotations that I have on my refrigerator.

Quotation by author Brian Herbert
 about learning

9. Rereading a childhood favorite book
Somehow rereading Pollyanna, by Eleanor H. Porter seemed a good book to read this week considering that it was World Gratitude Day on Saturday. Playing the glad game can't hurt anyone and certainly couldn't help but bring about some happiness. Pollyanna is one of the first thick books I remember receiving as a little girl. (I was able to download it this past week to read on my Kindle.)

10. Rainbows
When we were returning from our trip this weekend, it was almost sunset. In the distance we saw what almost appeared to be a rainbow beanie sitting atop a distant hill. It was like a brilliant rainbow that had been squished into an orb on top of the hill. I wasn't able to take a photo because of where I was sitting and because of the traffic, but it was beautiful! Have you ever seen a rainbow that wasn't the expected shape?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Six Sentence Stories - Refuse

Denise of Girlie on the Edge's Blog tossed out another word for those of us who enjoy writing very short stories to share in the blog hop she hosts. This week our challenge is Six Sentence Stories - Refuse. Let's see what kind of fun we can have with this cue. I hope you will click the link and see what others come up with this week.  Join us if you feel so inclined.

“Ma, when are you goin’ get rid of these old bustles? They went out of style 40 years ago, and most ladies refuse to wear them anymore. We need to free up some space in our wardrobe.”

“Since when did you become so interested in what I have hanging in there,  Pa?”

“Never you mind. I’m just trying to help out the ragman, ol’ Joe. His business has been waning since the flappers began wearing those short fringed dresses.”

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful

Our host for the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop has opened the link so let's put on our thinking caps and make a list, or share your "thankfuls" in whatever fashion works best for you. Kristi, of Thankful Me, is the host, but she has the help of several co-hosts (Clark, Dyanne, Lisa and myself).


1. Rain
Although one afternoon this week was accompanied with constant thunder rumblings and lightning off in the distance, the end result was a gully washer down our lane and a good soaking to Mother Earth.

2. Wood splitters
Some friends brought their wood splitter over a couple of times this week and split a lot of the logs piled up from the recent labors of the arbor company. We appreciate that they had the use of such a machine that makes quick work of an otherwise arduous task. We are also glad that they can use some of the wood to heat their home.

The pile of logs that were waiting
to be split

3. Lunches and dinners with friends

4. The touch of a hand
During one of my visits to the nursing home this week, a resident shared with me that the touch of my mom’s hand on her hand reminded her of her own mom’s hands. When I thanked her for telling me that, and that I was glad she had that memory, she smiled through tear filled eyes, and said “Me too.”

Mom resting with her hands in
her lap

5. No broken bone, just a bruise
On one of the days when I was helping with the wood splitting, my foot got in the way of one of the split logs. Although it got my attention, I am thankful to just have colorful toe rather than a broken one.

6. Zoster (shingles) vaccine
My husband and I got the first of our Zoster shots this week. Even though we had the live shingles vaccine several years ago, we learned that it was advised to get this newer type of vaccine which isn’t a live virus and is better. When I was 12, I got a very bad case of the chickenpox. When I was an adult, I got an extremely mild case of the shingles on my abdomen, but you can get shingles more than once without the vaccine! I know two older people whose vision was permanently affected due to getting shingles in their eyes, so if your doctor advises you to get the vaccine, it is good to take that advice.

7. The dirty clothes hampers were empty when the dryer started squealing
Realizing the dryer will be repaired by the time more loads will to be done is another thankful.

8. Talking over the fence with neighbors and having such nice neighbors

9. Farm stands
I’m enjoying these last few weeks of getting produce at a local farm stand before they close for the season.

When the asters start blooming you know
summer is fading

10. SAGE
Although I do like the herb sage, SAGE (Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam) is a great way to do a quick screen for dementia. Doing good on the home front. Yeah for that. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Six Sentence Stories - Cardinal

Through the blogging sphere (thanks Lisa), I have learned a little about tanka poems so I have decided to veer from my usual style of writing this week at Six Sentence Stories - Cardinal. Denise of Girlie on the Edge's Blog is the host of this blog hop. In a nutshell, the goal is to use the prompt word in a story written in just six sentences. 

I heard the whistle
of the cardinal calling
but I hurried on 
until I paused at sunset
to bask in the crimson hues

Why had I not stopped
and looked up through the branches
but I missed the chance
to listen reverently
and commune with God’s creature

My thoughts had buffered
nature’s melodious sounds
which could have lifted
my spirit had I allowed
and meditated therein

I scanned the tree’s limbs
hoping for a glimpse of red
but the day was gone
the opportunity missed
and darkness settled o’er me

Waking to the birds
chirping to welcome the morn’
I heard their message
in the new beautiful day
what’s done is done carry on

I heard the whistle
of the cardinal calling
but this day was new
so I stopped looked and listened
savoring the occasion

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful

This week has been a whirlwind of activity and I am glad to be able to step away from the activity for a few moments to reflect and share a few things for which I am grateful. Thanks to Kristi of Thankful Me I am able to join with others who have found the benefit of giving thanks for those things, events, and people who have touched their lives and made their own existence more meaningful. I am linking this post to the blog hop, Ten Things of Thankful hosted by Kristi.  Clark, Dyanne, Lisa and myself are co-hosts. If you decide that you want to jump on board and share your ten things of thankful, you can link your post at any of our sites where we have posted our Ten Things of Thankful for this week. The link opens on Friday and closes on Tuesday.

1. Yearly physicals
Most people recognize the importance of tune-ups for their automobiles, but unfortunately seeing a physician for yearly physicals sometimes can be put on the back burner. I am thankful that I am able to get yearly physicals and have health insurance.

2. Being able to be of help and also being recipients of help
Sometimes it is the simple things that are needed, just a helping hand, or another viewpoint, or energy when one's own is lacking. I am thankful that we were able to be on the giving end and well as on the receiving end this week.

3. Those who either don’t have a fear of working in high places or have overcome their fears
The arborists were here most of the day cutting down our old maple tree that was dying and had been severely damaged by a lightning and thunder storm this summer. I am thankful that they were able to stay safe as they cut down the tree that had grown from the sapling we had planted into a very large shade tree.

4. My mother’s beautiful peaceful expression when I visited her one day this week in the nursing home, and the squeeze of her hand on mine (#Alzheimer's)
When these rare moments happen, I treasure them with all my heart.

5. Fresh peach milkshake
On the way back from visiting my mother, I stopped and treated myself to a fresh peach milkshake. The peaches tasted like they had just been picked from the trees!

6. Dollies
Having the availability of a dolly when unloading a truck full of boxes made all the difference in the world when helping someone move.

7. Very large dumpsters
There is a time and a place when paying for a company to bring a large dumpster to a site is exactly what is needed and can save a lot of time and extra trips to the local refuse collection center. I am glad our friends were able to take advantage of this resource this week.

8. Sites that not only accept used clothing for resale purposes or to give to those in need, but will also recycle used clothing that is unacceptable for resale because of its wear and tear
Having this resource makes me feel like I am doing my part to in a small way save our planet. It is also nice to have some extra space in the clothes closet.

9. New shoes
My most  comfortable running shoes (in my case walking shoes) had begun to irritate one of my toes. Probably ten years ago, I found a shoe brand that seemed to be made just for me, because it was so comfortable. I have been a devoted purchaser of that shoe ever since, so I was surprised when my toe started to hurt while wearing the shoes. Upon investigating the inside of the shoe I discovered that after two years of wear, the lining had begun to separate and roll and rub on my toe. Getting new shoes was an easy fix for my problem.

10. Family on this side of the veil as well as family on the other side of the veil
My mother came from a very large family. My father was from a small family. The families of their ancestors were large in comparison to many of the families today. I have come to "know" many of the individuals in these families through the records that I have been able to uncover and through the memories of older relatives I corresponded with over my life span. There are times when the veil feels very thin and those who have departed feel extremely close.  The feeling is one of immense love. Have you ever experienced this type of closeness to your departed loved ones?

Autumn is almost here. The crocuses are

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Six Sentence Stories - Zone

While I do enjoy times of laughter and excitement and even look forward to them, I tend to need time to refresh in a quiet place to rejuvenate after those action-packed hours, days, or weeks. For that reason, I appreciate having a place to do that. What is your favorite zone?

Denise of The Girlie on the Edge's Blog is waiting for us to link up to the blog hop Six Sentence Stories - Zone. The link is open through Tuesday. Every week she gives us a new cue to use in our stories. 

Their Swiss chalet style home featured noise-proof rooms which were not surprising considering Julia’s distaste for all the noises in the large city. 

The onset of the machine age with all its inventions brought with it a din such as Julia could never have imagined in her childhood.

She wasn’t going to sit back and do nothing to try to curb it, so she founded The Society for the Suppression of Unnecessary Noise, and even organized a children’s branch of the society.

Those confined to hospital beds and needing peace and quiet to recover appreciated her efforts to create a quiet zone near them.

The tugboat operators no doubt didn’t appreciate her efforts to silence them by getting her congressman to push a bill through Congress to regulate their unnecessary whistles to one another that disrupted people’s sleep.

Julia Barnett Rice saw a need where she lived in New York City, and her decision to do something started to spread across the nation long before the term noise pollution was commonly used.