Thursday, September 10, 2015

Finish the Sentence Friday - Each fall I. . .

This is my blog hop post being linked to Kristi's Finish the Sentence Friday - Each fall I . . .

Each fall, the prelude to the winter of our lives, may pass quickly or be stuck in slow motion, like the last leaf that hangs on the branch of a tree, fluttering in the fall winds and rains, perhaps experiencing moments of liminality while waiting for the winter storm to arrive and set it free.

Fall crocus blooming among fallen maple leaves

Oak leaf with oak gall on top


  1. What a simple, elegant metaphor. Made me think about whether or not I'm in slow motion, myself, in a moment of liminality. Sometimes, the realization that it's all passing by so quickly puts me in sort of a paralysis. So many choices. So little time. Panic. Indecision. Yikes. I need to take a breath and focus on the beauty of fluttering leaf as you did here.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I can certainly relate to what you said. Slow deep breaths and focusing are good things to do.

  2. Such beautiful photos!! They're stunning. I like this concept so so much "...experiencing moments of liminality while waiting for the winter storm to arrive and set it free." Beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Kristi. Glad you liked the photos and the concept.

  3. What wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing such exquisite natural beauty this week!
