This has been a busy week and as always I have a feeling of gratitude so I am linking this post up to the
Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. There are many co-hosts, but wherever you link up, your post will be linked to the other co-hosts as well. There is also a Ten Things of Thankful Facebook group.
My Ten Things of Thankful
1. Sometimes when you have been married a long time, and you are also both retired and frequently are going places and enjoying life, "special days" just kind of get merged into all the other special days. This was definitely a first for both of us, and I'm thankful that we both had this experience on the same day! We both
remembered the morning of our 52nd wedding anniversary that it
was our special day! Because we recently purchased some tickets for an upcoming concert we just had a really good laugh that morning, and we are looking forward to what we will call our anniversary concert. Now I must say, that later in the day when my husband was standing in line at Costco, he saw a woman in line with a Tuxedo Chocolate Mousse Cake. He told me that when he saw it, he thought of me and how he was pretty sure I would really like that. He asked the lady where she found it, and promptly left his place in line to go get one for me. (He does not really crave sweets like I do, so he only ate one piece. I did take a piece to someone, and should have visited more people and shared more pieces, so I wouldn't be carrying the extra pounds I am now. I used the cake as "reward treats" after doing some of my projects this week. Even though we both had forgetful moments regarding our special day, we really are both thankful for all these many years together. I'm also thankful for having experienced and enjoyed my very first taste of a Tuxedo Chocolate Mousse Cake. Yum!
2. This week our third great grandchild, a boy, was born, and he was born on our special day, so as long as we don't forget our anniversary (LOL) we will never forget his birthday. I'm thankful that Mom and baby are both well.
3. Saturday I attended an event at the church where there were various opportunities to make things that are needed by hospitals, charitable organizations, etc. Women and girls were invited to this event, which was followed by a luncheon and some spiritually uplifting General Women's Conference talks. It was a wonderful day.
4. After months of my husband doing the vacuuming, after my surgery the middle of May, I finally was able to take over that job. I tried it on a day he was gone, otherwise I think he might have taken over. Although I was a little sore, nothing long lasting, so I know I can do this. Yeah!
5. The wonderful waist-high garden planter that my husband made recently has some lettuce and spinach ready now to harvest.
6. Since I am feeling so much stronger, this week I tried doing some pruning outside. I worked outside on three different days and kept to a time limits of 1/2 hour the first day, 1 hour the second day, and 2 hours the third day. It worked for me and it was a wonderful feeling to be able to "make a difference" in the appearance of some of the shrubs. Miles to go. . .but it is a start. I loved being outside in these cooler fall mornings too, and playing peek-a-boo with the deer as I do so.
7. I'm thankful to be able to see more migrating birds. I've seen lots of hawks as I've driven through the grassy farm lands on my way to visit my Mom. Yesterday a red tail hawk flew up from a ditch on the side of the road and flew right in front of my car. It was a miracle I didn't hit it. I certainly got a great view of its red tail feathers.
8. This week I attended an emergency training class and learned a few interesting tips. For instance, if you can find used billboard fabric it works great to use in place of plastic for a makeshift shelter. It is much heavier and actually is a plastic type of fabric. It may be a little colorful depending on what the billboard displayed. (Smile)
9. On the news I was reminded of how as the cooler weather sets in hobo spiders start to try to get indoors. Unfortunately, indoors may mean your house, or worse yet, my house! Kind of right on cue, after I purchased some Victor Poison-Free Hobo Spider traps early in the week, we saw two of these spiders inside the house. Neither were on the trap. One showed up in the shower. (My husband got that experience.) One showed up in the kitchen sink. (my experience) Perhaps rather than putting the strip along the baseboard, I need to put one in a dry shower and one in each of the sinks. I had not even heard of these traps until this year. I'm so glad these traps exist, and I'm thankful to learn of products that eliminate some of my fears.
10. Lastly, I'm thankful to discover more things I can do with my photos app on my Mac. Knowledge coming in little bits at a time works best for me.
Now I'd better post this and get ready for the big event!
24 hours before the Blood Moon |