Saturday, December 26, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful

 A year ago in some ways seems a lifetime ago with the only thing that was the same then and now is that for many it was and is a time to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ and what impact his life had and still has on humanity. I am thankful for that time of focusing and consideration.

Today, on the day following Christmas, I am sharing ten things for which I am thankful and will be posting them to the blog hop Ten Things of Thankful hosted by Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not.

1. That we didn’t lose power when the strong winds and heavy rainfall happened earlier this week (Many people were not so fortunate when power lines were  struck by trees falling due to the saturated soil and high winds.)

2. Being able to have one clear sky this week that allowed us to see Jupiter and Saturn appearing fairly close together

3. The spiderwebs that take on a beautiful lacy appearance when covered with frost (This is also a reminder of how sometimes we just need  to bloom where we are planted, or in this case where our tiny spider feet take us to weave a web, and just try.)

Fragmented spider web attached to pickup door and side mirror

4. Joining with family to make a collaborated Spotify Christmas  playlist

5. A simple to fix, but sufficient for us, Christmas Eve meal with leftovers for the next day (There are times when simple and easy makes more sense given the circumstances.)

6. Phone calls with family on Christmas Day and the days following

7. Being introduced to the works of an author and knowing instantly I would be reading more of his works

8. Receiving a product that we didn’t even know existed and we are excited to have which enables us to sanitize many things like masks and phones

9. Memories

10. Vic and home


  1. Finding an author you know you will enjoy is such a cool thing. I find that happens (to me) often with music, there is something about it that leaves no doubt about enjoying it.
    Simple is good. We went the same route (food-wise) here as well.
    Spider webs in December?! lol One of the few things I enjoy about winter is that pretty much all the multi-legged lifeforms are somewhere beside laying traps in the air.
    Have a good week..

    1. That is one things to be said about having super cold winters, but on occasion when the number of nights with freezing weather is lagging, the "multi-legged lifeforms" are still apt to make their appearances here.

  2. I would prefer the spider feet take them somewhere to spin those beautiful webs that won't be where I might walk into one. I'm scared of spiders and hate, hate, HATE running into webs! They are works of beauty, especially when coated with frost or dew. We do a pretty simple Christmas Eve dinner, and it suits us just fine. Same with Christmas Day. Prayers that this new year will bring us all safety and good health!

    1. I'm with you. I don't like the surprise of running into the webs, but I find their intricate designs fascinating.
      Yes, safety and good health are high on my list this coming year too.

  3. Sounds like a discovery week! New things of the good kind.

  4. Memories is the best and a simple meal is so nice when shared with a friend or family member.
