Friday, December 18, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful

Whatever you are up to this week, I hope you take a minute or two to consider things for which you are thankful. I promise you that giving thanks, even it is for one thing will help make other things more bearable. I am linking up to Ten Things of Thankful hosted by Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not.

18" tall imitation Christmas tree

1. The 14 deer which came to visit all at the same time for a short visit Thursday afternoon

2. Changes in weather forecasts, for the better, which maybe will make it possible to see the marvelous display by Jupiter and Saturn in the sky on December 21

3. Finding things like a kitchen tool we forgot we had and is much easier to use than the smaller one we have been using and also finding a TENS replacement patch in a size that is no longer available in the stores or online AND finding both items in the same week in our home after having searched the cupboard for the latter item extensively months earlier and had given up

4. Tackling projects little by little

5. Realizing that learning to be patient has as much to do with being patient with myself as it does with being patient with others and with situations

6. Music

When I discovered these singers (Hound + Fox) this week, I listened to as many of their pieces as possible. Listening to them singing "Grownup Christmas List" seems so apropos this year.

7. Leftovers meals that allow me a break

8. The willingness of good people to keep trying to make the world a better place even when facing great adversity

9. Being able to binge watch The Chosen

Possibly more than any other movie or video I have watched, this series depicting the life of Jesus Christ seems more realistic to me. I am thankful that it began to be available to viewers in the year 2020.

10. Vic and our family



  1. Lovely list! WOW to have so many deer show up!

    1. Thank you. That was a pretty impressive gathering of the deer!

  2. Great thankfuls. Music can be such a joy and can improve ones spirits chosen carefully.

    1. Thank you. So true about choosing carefully.

  3. funny about them deer, we had the biggest group in a while spend some time in the yard last month, but once the left, we haven't seen hide nor hair of 'em.... of course this is a rural community so they're probably workin the woods

    finding lost things can be a bit of a double-edged sword... the 'right there!' kind of hiding
    Have a good week

    1. We have had nine show up in a group since I posted, but not the 14. Some of them may just temporarily out of sight.
      HaHa about the lost things being a double-edged sword. A bit of truth there.

  4. Oh, deer! I find it fascinating how quickly and completely they disappear into the woods.
    Isn't it terrific to find things you either forgot you owned or thought were lost forever?
    I have SO many projects, none of them small, and they overwhelm me. I need to break them down into parts.

    1. It is more like the deer just go the various neighbors for a while. They eventually come back.
      So true about too many projects being totally overwhelming.

  5. I would love seeing a Deer up close and sharing the event with my son but being in the City it isn't possible.
