Sunday, December 13, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful

What where is she? She hasn't posted her ten things yet! Why not? I think someone is talking about me. Yes, I am late, but I am able to get on board now with my post to the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop hosted by Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not. With these questions at the beginning, I am dedicating my ten to the letter "W." 

1. Windows
The windows we gaze out of the most are now devoid of any signs of the grit and smoke from the fires that inundated our area in the fall. It is amazing how one can be oblivious to some things until one day you think to yourself that has to be taken care of NOW.

2. Wreath
I am thankful for the vast amount of greenery on our property from which I was able to make a wreath for our front door. 

Not a perfect wreath, but you get the idea

3. Water
Water in the form of rain or the condensed variety appearing as snow in the mountains is welcome this time of year. Cities in the valley appreciate having a good snowpack guaranteeing their summer water supply.

4. Walnuts
Some Christmas goodies do not call for walnuts, but many do. We tend to add a few to oatmeal fairly frequently, but in December I use more walnuts than at any other time of the year because of the extra baking I do.

5. Washcloths
Do washcloths ever really die? Around here, the old ones go in the rag drawer and get used for a variety of purposes. Perhaps I save a tree or two by using old washcloths instead of using paper towels for some grimy chores. Rags can be washed and reused.

6. Weatherproof coats
I am thankful for just the right coat to protect myself from the elements.

7. Whitecaps
There is something quite mesmerizing about watching the whitecaps, whether small or large, as they approach the shore line. Although we haven't been to the beach for quite a while, some have gone there and shared their photos and videos on Facebook. This week there were some impressively large whitecaps to be seen.

8. Wintergreen flavor
As a child my family traveled for about 14 hours from one state to another on vacation once or twice a year to visit my grandparents. Mom usually carried a few rolls of mints in her purse. From time to time as kids were becoming restless from traveling, Mom pulled out the rolls and offered us a mint. My choice was always the wintergreen flavored ones rather than the peppermint flavored ones which always seemed too strong of a flavor to me. 

9. Woodpiles
Seeing large woodpiles gives me the satisfaction that the family living in the house nearby is going to be warm enough during the winter weather. I grew up in a home that depended on heat produced from a wood stove and for a considerable time as an adult have depended on wood as a source of heat. I remember the wonderful feeling of putting that last  piece of wood into the woodshed, knowing we had enough wood reserved for the winter.

10. Wise men
I am thankful for the wise men spoken about in the scriptures and their desire to seek out the Christ child. I am also thankful for the wise men of today who know to whom to look for answers to the problems that beset them.

Wise men pictured by the left of the stable

11. Wonderful husband
Vic has once again has been there when I really needed his help. We take turns being the helper.


  1. No. 5 really resonates. I didn't buy paper towels for a good 15 year period for the same reason, rags can be washed and reused as cloth table napkins can.

    1. That is great! There are so many ways I could be better at avoiding using certain products more diligently, but sad to say, I have a long way.

  2. Great theme! My windows are horribly dirty but impossible to reach and even for a professional, it would be a chore, as I believe the screens are nailed on. #OldHouseProblems
    Your wreath is lovely! You are very creative.
    Around here, everyone uses pecans and black walnuts, which are native to the area. I am not a black walnut fan - too strong!
    I love those little pink wintergreens that come in a bag. Kind of chalky. They used to be more sugary and melted in your mouth better. Peppermint ones remind me of Rolaids.
    Your nativity photo is just gorgeous.

    1. Fortunately I am able to reach all of our windows from the inside, but I would be out of my mind to consider washing the outside of our upstairs windows myself.
      When go cut their own Christmas trees at a tree farm, they sometimes have the option of cutting a natural tree, meaning as it has grown there hasn't been any pruning it to the perfect Christmas tree shape. I like to think of my wreath as having that kind of a natural look, meaning it is not a perfect circle!
      I never like the black walnuts either, but my distaste comes from how very difficult they are to crack.
      Peppermint:Rolaids HaHa

  3. I liked the idea/imagery of the woodpile... we have a wood stove, used twice or three times a week... I think I get a sense of of that feeling of sufficiency from a full supply of firewood.! ayiiee They are surely one of the most satisfying and aggravating parts of a house... I enjoy clean windows but have varying degrees of success keeping them in pristine condition.
    have a good week

    1. Ah, yes, there is that! The varying degrees of success in keeping windows in pristine condition. I imagine with your line of work, you probably see more clearly (HaHa) the condition of windows and other parts of homes.

  4. I love Walnuts and Pecans and use them as my snacks as I try and lose weight. As for washcloths why throw them away when there is so many ways to use them including crafts.
