Friday, February 15, 2019

Six Sentence Stories - Milestone

This thread of thought came when I read what the new prompt word was for the weekly Six Sentence Stories blog hop hosted by Denise of Girlie on the Edge's Blog. (Sometimes a thread doesn't come, so instead of writing, I just read what others have written that week. That is okay too.) There are no rules regarding the length of the sentences in the stories. The link to the blog hop stays open for several days, which allows one plenty of time to create a story. The link is at Six Sentence Stories - Milestone.

The trip was long, flat, and boring, unless you wanted to count tumble weeds or fence poles. According to dad, who was driving, they wouldn’t be there for another couple of hours. 

The humming of the tires over the pavement lulled her into a sound sleep with her head slumped against the window. After who knows how long, she opened her eyes in time to see a small sign off in the distance. She knew if there was one, there would be five more. 

Although her dad was the only one who shaved, the entire family enjoyed reading these witty, rhyming road-side signs that had become a milestone in breaking boredom for weary travelers. 


  1. Reminds me of the old days of my youth.

    1. I thought someone might remember the Burma Shave signs.

  2. I have heard of them and smiled at the relief of boredom they brought your character, but I've never seen them. Cool six.

    1. I've wonder what happened to all those signs. Perhaps there could be some found in old barns along with other antiquated stuff. LOL

  3. Didn't have them in this part of the country (at least that I was aware of at the time).
    Very excellent Six.
    (I smiled at "There are no rules regarding the length of the sentences in the stories." And thought, 'Thank goodness!' lol Being self-proclaimed King of Semi-Colonia, a magical kingdom where the streets and lanes and roads and paths wind through the villages as if in search of a terminus; a happy if not mild place on the shores of Lake Runon)

    1. I should refresh my memory a little on the use of the semi-colon so my stories had more meat to them. Just image what a SSS would be like if e e cummings wrote one. HaHa

  4. Pleasing reminder of advertising in its most pleasant form.. Nice Six!

  5. Sentence 3 so-o put me in that truck as the imagery is perfect. Been there done that, as they say lol
    As usual, your 6s have a very...casual, pleasantness about them. While I'm not familiar with the road signs you write about, I certainly can relate to finding ways to pass the time while in the car on a long trip!

    Thanks for the shout out, Pat. Especially about the link being open. There's always time to link up a SSS :)

    1. There wasn't anything quite like the Burma Shave jingles back in the day for roadside entertainment.

  6. Some drives take forever! It's surprising that other companies didn't adopt the Burma Shave method (or if they did, that only Burma Shave got credit.)

    1. I don't remember any other companies that advertised in the same manner. Maybe companies just don't consider it cost effective to advertise like that any more.
