One might wonder how there can be such a variety of things for which to be thankful. Considering the various backgrounds of those who engage in this weekly activity it really is quite understandable and entertaining to my way of thinking. Kristi of Thankful Me is the host of Ten Things of Thankful and gets things rolling each weekend. If you are feeling grateful, write a post and link up.
1. Tractor with shovel
This week I had the sad discovery of finding a dead fawn on the ground behind some rhododendrons. Fortunately our little tractor has a shovel on the front, so my husband was able to quickly dig a hole in which to bury the fawn. The fawn appeared to have died from dysentery. I had actually noticed a doe edging slowing toward the area where I found the fawn. She had stood there for quite a while appearing to be looking down at something and then seemed to nestle down on the ground behind the rhodies. After I found the fawn later, I thought her behavior was probably that of a doe in mourning.
2. Photo of fawns kissing
I was just clicking the camera as fast as I could to try to capture the playful antics of the fawns, and captured this!
Fawns kissing? |
3. Bathroom apps
Apparently many people are having trouble finding available restrooms now during the COVID-19 pandemic when they are away from home. This week I learned that the following apps may prove helpful Bathroom Scout, Flush and Sit or Squat. In the meantime, we most likely will just continue staying close to home.
4. Hummingbirds
5. Berry cobbler using a combination of marionberries and blueberries
There were a couple of boxes of marionberries and a bag of blueberries in the local produce box I bought this week, so I combined the berries and made a berry cobbler using my favorite cobbler recipe.
Marionberry/blueberry cobbler |
Cobbler Topping
2 C sugar
1 t salt
2 C flour
2 t baking powder
1-1/2 C milk
Grease a 9” x 13” pan. Line the bottom of the pan with your favorite berries. Mix the topping ingredients and pour over the top of the berries. Bake at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes.
(If you prefer to use a jar of canned peaches or apple slices, be sure to thicken the juice with cornstarch before putting into the pan. This will probably take about an hour to bake.)
6. Blasts to the past. . .in the kitchen
Do you ever think about something you ate as a child, or perhaps when your kids where young? We hadn’t had tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches in what seemed like forever, so this week we did. The taste wasn’t quite what I remembered since this time I didn’t use white balloon bread and the soft processed cheese that came in big rectangular blocks. That was what fit the budget back in the day.
7. One more day
It is possible to pick blueberries that are almost ripe and let them set in a bowl on the table to finish ripening. This method of picking the berries works perfectly if you know you are not going to be able to pick the next day.
Most of these blueberries will be fully ripe in 24 hours. |
8. The element of surprise
While doing some work outside one day this week, I noticed what I thought was a ground squirrel hole in the ground where I was weeding. All of a sudden a tiny little shrew poked his head out of the hole much too large for his tiny frame. I don’t know who was more surprised, me seeing the shrew or the shrew seeing me. He quickly retreated. I grabbed my camera in case he decided to take a look at the outside world again, but I guess that was too much to ask.
9. Finding the exact folder I needed, without having to search more than a few seconds
When trying to unravel some family history questions this week, I was impressed by how quickly I was able to find the exact folder that contained at least part of the answers. Thanks to my Mom's collections of letters and emails to relatives over the years and how she had them organized the task was much easier.
10. Vic and our family
Vic and I were able to make considerable progress outside this week in tackling some things that needed to be done. We make quite a team and are still able to laugh through some of the challenges.