Sunday, May 15, 2022

Ten Things of Thankful

Here is hoping that you as consider this day or this past week, or your life, you are able to see the rays of light making their way through the clouds and storms you might be in at the moment. I am linking up my thankful list to the blog hop, Ten Things of Thankful hosted by Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not. Consider yourself invited to write your own post and link up.

Every life is filled with some sunshine and some storms

1. Newborn babies

Seeing videos of newborn animals taking their first steps makes me smile and sometimes laugh. To know that these animals will at some point produce more of their kind if we take care of them and the earth on which they live.

2. Forums

This week I watched a video of a forum that took place in March. Unfortunately it was just the speaker’s presentation and didn’t include the discussion that followed among the audience and the speaker which would have also been of interest to me.

3. Those who remember to look booth ways before crossing a street or turning into a lane of traffic

Drivers following the 35 mph speed limit certainly do not need someone forgetting this important rule. It was a close call, but no one was right behind me when I had to brake suddenly for the driver who almost forgot to turn and look.

4. Labels 

For many years I have used a certain topical cream on my back. When I recently tried to get some more of it, I picked up a couple of boxes of the containers which resembled the ones I had purchased in the past. It wasn’t until I got out to my car that I discovered that what I had just purchased was a cream for the feet, not my back. 😂 I returned them and got my money refunded. The humor of this situation is that when I got home, I discovered that the label on my almost empty container said it was also for use on the feet, and all this while I had been using it on my back. Thanks to online shopping I finally was able to order what I needed, as the two stores here were not going to be able to get any more until July.  Labels are only helpful if one reads the fine details.

5. Peppermint

The smell of peppermint has often reminded me of cookies, candy, gum, mints, or Christmas.  After recently discovering that once again a mouse, or mice had gained entry into our car and built a nest in the spare tire well, I needed to come up with a plan of action to avoid another entry in the dead of night. With some research, I discovered that there are some who vouch for the use of peppermint oil as a deterrent. Apparently mice hate the smell of peppermint. We will see if that is really going to work. (Years back I used bars of soap to hang in a mesh bag from a branch on a  tree or shrub to deter the deer from destroying them. It worked one year, but not the next!)

6. A different way of looking at the past

This week I watched a movie that was a documentary about the objects that were left in the house of the deceased grandmother of the film makers. I loved learning about the life of this woman who consented to being video taped as she responded to questions posed by her grandchildren in the years prior to her death. In addition, the creative approach the film makers took to share these items in the film were impressive.

7. Taking things one step at a time

Sometimes that is the only way to get through  the difficult moments.

8. Being able to mourn with those who mourn, even if it is via a live stream of the memorial service of their loved one and/or doing whatever else is possible to lessen their burden

9. A place to get help when you don’t know where to turn, whether it be for yourself or for someone you know

10. Vic, family and friends


  1. I agree completely with #7. Here's hoping the peppermint oil will work to deter the mice.

    1. I am in hopes it will deter all of them or at the very least most of them.

  2. #6-- The movie sounds interesting. (I clicked on the link and watched the trailer.) I've been organizing our store room, where I have found a number of things that belonged to my grandfather and my mother, and they make me think of the 'stories' about them.

    1. Tangilble items have a way of drawing up stories long forgotten about the people who used them.

  3. It is a blessing to be able to help another bear the burdens when sad times come.

    May the peppermint oil do the job.

    1. I know that you have helped so many bear heavy burdens, Mimi.
      As to the peppermint oil, I just hope they don't get addicted to the smell and invite all their friends.
