Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ten Things of Thankful

Once again, it is time to reflect. I have found it helpful to do so. It is difficult to read and watch the news from this past week and know that some of you may have been in harm's way, or have loved ones or friends who were, because of the various storms and tragedies that have transpired throughout the earth. Many of the scenes were one's that brought me to my knees. Is it wrong to consider what almost seems such little things when writing about the things for which one is thankful when others are suffering? Perhaps, but then again, life is full of ups and downs, and we as people kind of take turns having these experiences, so for this day, I am sharing this list of ten. Thank you Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not for hosting this blog hop Ten Things of Thankful

1. This doe who has found the perfect place to blend in with her surroundings and seems to wait for me to return from errands

Camouflaged doe among many hues of
browns and grays

2. Bouquet of sweet peas from a neighbor

Bouquet of pink, white, and 
maroon sweet peas in a
jelly jar sitting on a round
lattice metal stand

3. The crocuses are beginning to bloom, so fall is on its way.

Cluster of lavender crocuses
with white stripes on the
center of each petal

4. Clouds and the hope of moisture from the skies when their cousins show up on the scene

Blue sky dotted mostly with white
cumulous clouds of various shapes
and sizes floating over the sundry
trees below

5. The benefits of certain sound frequencies

If you have ever had acupuncture treatments or had massage therapy, you possibly have listened to very calming music being played in the background during your session. It seems some of the music being played actually may promote healing.   

6. A local business that can replace all kinds of batteries 

This week I got a new battery in my iPad and new batteries in both of our smart keys for the car. In addition I learned that they could replace the very maltreated cover on Vic’s key, so now his key looks good as new.

7. The peacemakers

IMHO this world is in need of more people willing to show kindness, and civility if we are to have hope of a peaceful sphere of existence.

8. The faith and hope I have that when a person completes his life on earth, he will live again

A friend passed away suddenly this week, and that faith and hope brings comfort to those left behind as well as to the person departing.

9. Nourishment

I am thankful for not only food to eat each day, but for the nourishment that I receive to my mind and my spirit. Just as food doesn't usually magically appear, neither does knowledge about every topic under the sun come without effort and experience. Although there are many modalities in which a person's spirit may be nourished, many of them require at least a desire to know why and how many claim to have come to know there is a God and seem to have felt a connection to Him. Am I perfect in remembering to properly nourish myself each and every day? No, but I am trying.

10. Life and all the experiences that bond me in so many ways to my family and others

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  1. Thoughtful (and insightful) TToT this week!

  2. I scho what Clark said. You give great food for thought. And I love the photos.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. Glad you enjoyed the photos.
