For many this past week has been a week of remembering, reflecting, and in some cases writing and sharing those thoughts. Like some other times in my life when there was a news flash reporting some shocking horrific thing that had just taken place, I remember in great detail where I was, what I was doing, etc. when I heard the news. With all the memories that gushed forward from my mind this past week when I saw and heard again exactly what took place on 9/11/2001, I know it is minor in comparison to that which people who were directly and personally affected by the outcome of the events of that day.
While some may choose to avoid watching and recalling scenes from the past and question why it is important to do so, I choose to remember not only what took place, but to consider the people we were then compared to the people we are now. Is it possible to learn from the past? I believe it is, but it takes desire, determination, work and a good dash of humility to recognize the humanity of each person.
As I considered the things that transpired in my own life this week, I am thankful that I was able to appreciate the paths I traversed this week and the thoughts that came to my mind as I did so. I have included some of those in this post being linked to the blog hop Ten Things of Thankful hosted by Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not.
1. Being able to have our son and his daughter visit before she heads off for her first year of college
2. Exploring territory we had not seen in our state that caused me to consider what it would have been like for the first people inhabiting it
I am thankful to have been able to see this rugged area dotted with high mountains and deep ravines not that far away.
3. Realizing that sometimes getting a late start is exactly what is supposed to happen and it may mean the difference between life and death
The poignant scene we came upon mid week was a huge punctuation mark in the life of my family this week, but not meant to be shared here. I will just say that there are times when I believe people are placed in a given place and at given time to be an instrument in someone else's life because they may have the eyes to see a dire need, a willingness to help, and the skills to know what to do.
4. Beautiful sunsets
Sunset above a rim of silhouetted trees below |
5. Covered bridges
Harris Covered Bridge |
6. To be able to discover possible answers to questions about the things I see such as this big old tree
Do any of you know what kind of tree this might be? I think that it may be some kind of chestnut tree, and a very old one. It isn't a tree often seen in these parts.
7. Honey bees
I am thankful that we have a few flowers blooming for the honey bees to enjoy.
Honeybee on a lavender crocus petal |
8. For a chance to play a game of Scrabble with my son and granddaughter
9. Being able to see creatures other than birds at the national wildlife refuges, such as otters playing in a muddy stream and a slew of garter snakes on the shore and in the water where they were feeding on bullfrogs
10. Vic, family and friends