Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #147 Leap&Throb

After a week's vacation, part of which was in an area where we needed to keep an eye out for snakes, the prompt at Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #147 Leap&Throb took a direction that I suspect not too many took. Curious what others wrote for the challenge this week? Click the link and see the links of those who took the challenge.

coiled and camouflaged
snake caused heart to leap and throb
with trepidation

Striped Rattlesnake


  1. If I met up with this fellow it would probably cause my heart to stop! Snakes scare me, in their ability to move so quickly and strike so swiftly, although I have to admit that they are beautiful... from a distance! :-) Very nicely done Haiku, clever use of the prompt words!

    Josie Two Shoes

    1. I used to be scared of snakes. I still get startled by them, but if they are not poisonous and cannot kill me, I don't get scared.
