Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ten Things of Thankful

Ten Things of Thankful

1.  Ripening blueberries.  Gardening has taken a back seat the past couple of years, so it is amazing that there is a crop at all.  There are some other bushes next to the two which are producing, but since the deer seemed to do quite a good job of pruning the tender new growth, we likely will see very few berries on those bushes this year.  We were given these plants about 35 years ago.  I'm not sure how long blueberry plants live, but I'm thinking this is a long life for them. They are taller than me, so I mostly reach up and through, but not too much down.  This works just fine for where I am in my recovery from my back surgery.

2.  Beautiful sounds.  I love waking up to the chirping of birds, although I think some of them are "night owls."  Four o'clock in the morning seems a bit too early.  The sounds of the different birds chirping throughout the day is delightful, and I'm thankful that there is the kind of habitat here where they like to be.

Another sound I enjoy immensely is hearing my aging mother laugh.  I'm glad that there are still things that people say to her that cause her to laugh.

3.  Learning new things.  This week I learned some more things about using my camera and also how to put a watermark on my photos using iPhoto.   I had been told I'd probably need another application to do that, but with some googling, I learned how to do it without needing another application. (See Yeah!

Thank you to all those who are posting things on their blogs about how to blog.   With their help, I hope to keep learning new skills in this area.

4.  Enjoyable movies.  My husband and I watched a couple of movies this week that we both really liked.  Today I decided to read what reviewers had said about these movies.  One movie in particular didn't have very good reviews, BUT those who had made comments on Amazon gave it a much higher rating.  I'm glad we hadn't seen the reviews by those who do that for a living, because we might have missed out on a movie we both really liked.  One movie is called, The Cobbler, and the other is called Northern Borders, in case anyone is interested.

5.  Finding exactly what I needed.  Somehow the strap on my camera bag broke this week.  I thought perhaps I could just go find the kind of strap I needed, but I wasn't successful.  Today I went to one of my favorite thrift stores and found what appeared to be a brand new, or possibly never used, camera bag.  It was just the size I needed and is actually better than the one I had. The price was right too.

Ten Things of Thankful6.  Fans.  The northwest has been heating up this past week, and more hot weather is on the docket for this coming week.  I've never really enjoyed hot weather.  Temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees would suit me just fine, but I really enjoy the changing of the seasons.  I guess I'd better not complain about a little heat in the high 90's.  We do not have an air-conditioned home, and most of the time we really don't need air conditioning.  Our earth sheltered home keeps our home fairly comfortable most of the year.  When we get a couple of weeks of hot weather, things do begin to heat up inside, and we drag out a fan.  At times like these I'm thankful to have a fan!

7.  Those who respond to emergencies.  There have been a number of highway accidents, house fires, and field and forest fires lately.  Those who respond to these emergencies often put their own lives in danger.  I am thankful for all that they do.

8.  Bamboo wind chimes.  My husband doesn't like the sound of tingling wind chimes, but he does like the sound of bamboo wind chimes.  So do I.  There is something so calming in listening to them.

9.  To live in a country where we are free to choose.  I believe we are responsible for the choices we make and that sometimes making good choices can be challenging and quite difficult.  Freedom is a very precious thing for which I am thankful.  I think we must always remember each person is free to choose his/her own path in life, even if we might not understand that path.

10. Reconnecting with friends and making new friends.  Friendships can be nourished by a visit, a phone call, a letter, or an invitation to do something together.  I'm thankful for the many ways to reach out to others and the ways others reach out to me.


  1. Hi Pat. Glad to see you back here this week and that your week was filled with good things. I agree with your husband; there is something very lovely about the sound of bamboo wind chimes. I am happy you are still enjoying a relationship with your Mom.

    1. My relationship with my Mom is very much in the moment now. I just hope she will continue to know that I love her. There is good in every week. Sometimes we just have to look harder for it than other weeks.:-)

  2. Bamboo wind chimes do sound pretty. Our weather gets really warm and humid here so A/C is needed some of the time but I prefer when I can to open the windows and run the fans instead. Air conditioning makes for easier sleeping, but it's never quite as comfortable as the windows open on more moderate days.

    Scoring a good find in a thrift store is always one of my favorite things - especially when it's exactly what you're looking for.

    1. I remember the sound, smell, and cool air from my grandparents' swamp cooler. Their home always felt so cool on the very hot days. We weren't fortunate to have a swamp cooler. We did have a very high ceiling fan. I was very young at the time, and it didn't seem like the breeze from our fan came all the way down to the floor where I was playing.

  3. we had some, what I believe are wild blueberries, in the woods on our property. the bushes never grew very high and the birds pretty much took care of any new fruit… someone suggested 'netting' the bush to give them a chance to grow and ripen

    1. We tried netting some of our blueberry bushes one year, but it was very frustrating when it came time to lift the netting off the plants. The netting got stuck on the branches. If we had put the netting over some kind of frame built around and above the bushes, it probably would have worked better.

  4. I love blueberries! I would be thrilled to have my own blueberry bushes in the backyard. We have a marvelous blueberry farm about half an hour from us that is well kept and tidy and they don't care how many blueberries you eat while you pick. I make my son go with me (he's a good, but sometimes surly, picker) and we usually get about 10 gallons every summer to freeze for use all year.
    I love the sound of birds outside the windows, but every once in awhile, one is so incredibly chipper that I want to lean out the window and tell him to knock it off.
    Temperatures in the 90s with no air conditioning is not much fun. We didn't have a/c when we lived in Ventura, and all was well until the Santa Ana winds came through and then it wasn't very nice.
    Glad you are continuing to improve after your back surgery!

    1. How do you like to use your frozen blueberries? We either just snack on the frozen ones, use them in green smoothies (see my post about a week ago), make blueberry muffins, or make blueberry pancakes.

      Last night things cooled down considerably, and it stayed cooler today. That was an nice unexpected change in the weather.

  5. I love your #9. Wise words.
    And the blueberries photo is so great. That is a terrific shot!
    Fans...brings back memories of my Grandparents' house. No air conditioning in their 300+ year old home and a blowing fan on a hot summer night was delicious.

    1. I believe if we hope to be treated with courtesy and kindness, we must treat others the same way.

      Wow, a 300 year old home! Is that home still standing? Sometimes when I drive by what appears to be an old home, I think about how great it would be to see the inside.

  6. Oh, back surgery does not sound like fun. The blueberries are stunningly gorgeous. If they taste half as good as they look...
    We just watched the Cobbler too. Hadn't even heard of it. Found the premise really engaging.
    Hang on to the sound of your mother's laugh. That one gave me a pang in my heart.

    1. The blueberries in the photo weren't quite as ripe as they are when I pick them, but I usually have to pick them just a tad not fully ripened. The birds get to them if I wait too long. If I let the berries set in the container on my kitchen counter the rest of the day, they ripen quite quickly.

      Fortunately we have some videos of Mom from a few years ago, and I'm pretty sure she laughed in places.

  7. Reading your post I am reminded that I think we owe my husband a blueberry bush from several Father's Days ago. We have a lot of deer in the area though, and I am not a fan of building cages around the bushes.

    1. We have a lot of deer here too. We never know exactly how much they are going to munch on the berries. Some years they take more than their share and other years they prefer other plants. It is hard to know what their tastes are going to be in any given year.
