Saturday, April 23, 2022

Ten Things of Thankful - Retirement

Those who participate in the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop hosted by Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not include people of all ages. Although I don't know for certain, I suspect I am among the older crowd of posters here. Today's thoughts address some of the things for which I am thankful that revolve around this period of time many just can't wait to reach. 

This patch of English Daisies blossoms remind
me of the the different stages of our lives
different stages of our lives

1. Relaxation

One day this week when taking a little time to relax from a task, I fell asleep while sitting in a rocking chair reading. When I awoke I discovered that where my head had been resting on my hand was now rosy red. Good thing I woke up when I did, or I might have had a hard time explaining a bruise on my cheek. 

2. Exercising body and mind

During retirement years, there is no denying that there have been changes in what I do for exercising my body, but at least I still know the importance of doing it even if I have to make some modifications.  Strange as it may seem there this is no end of the ways to continue exercising my mind. Whether it be finding solutions to our everyday challenges, or wanting to learn how to become more skilled or knowledgeable in order to develop a new talent or improve upon an existing one.

3. Time

Time is enigma and seemingly becomes even more so the older I get. Many have tried to explain it and understand it. Has this been true for you? “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.

4. Information

The gathering of information for one’s own use or for the needs of others is something from which few can escape, and it certainly didn’t stop when I retired. Although it can be tiring at times, it can also be rewarding.

5. Rest

Some might think that once a person retires, it is just a time to sit back and rest. Like anything else, too much of what might seem to be a good thing, can have it’s draw backs just as not taking time to rest regularly can  also rear its ugly head in unexpected ways.

6. Entertainment

This can come in various forms such as a diversion or distraction from one’s daily routines. It could be exciting and fun and in the end leaving one renewed and invigorated. Some of the things we have done in the past for entertainment are not as easy to do now. My grandmother used to work crossword puzzles, play Solitaire, and listen to Art Linkletter’s  People Are Funny show on her floor model radio. I can still remember her laughter. Remembering and sharing the memories provides entertainment for the giver and the receiver. Although I rarely do a crossword puzzle, there is no end to the possible online games. Wordle anyone? Quordle?

7. Music

One of the things couples become aware of is how their backgrounds are similar while at other times can be quite different from that of their mate. Our musical tastes were very different from one another in the beginning. As the years have gone by our musical tastes have grown closer together and along the way we have added many other favorites. Who knew that I would ever grow to like some of the country, western, and Appalachian music when my beginnings included being introduced to the Big Band sounds.

8. Energy

Although the little energizer bunny seems to be taking a vacation or found someone more up to his speed, once in a while I feel he is coming closer to the neighborhood, and for that I am grateful.

9. Necessities

Life often begins with budgeting even to obtain the necessities and then getting to the point when it is possibly to splurge and get some of those things that seeming make life more enjoyable. Then sooner or later things spiral back to realizing that all one really needs and can maintain are the necessities. Life goes full circle.

10. Trips

During the retirement years when one hears the word trips, it can be met with an alarmed expression or with excitement and anticipation in a good way. We have experienced both during our retirement years, fortunately more of the latter. These days some of the trips have been being able to virtually enjoy the places our family has been able to go. There are just so many ways to feel included and so different from a hundred plus years ago when people moved or traveled and were never heard of again.

Vic and our family and friends have made the years enjoyable and I am thankful for them.


  1. This is such an awesome list! I can relate to many of these, even though I'm not close to ritirement age at all (I'm only 35). I don't work though due to being disabled, so am lucky to have some of the good things that retirement affords you and unfortunate to experience some of the bad things too (like decreased mobility).

    1. That is one of the advantages of staying connected to people of all different ages. Each has something to learn from the other. Age need not be a dividing line. There are so many ways people are similar, no matter the age.

  2. Approaching the years with joy in what you still have instead of sadness about what has passed is a beautiful way to live life.

  3. Cool with the acrostic list this week!
    Agree with pretty much everything, #8 especially resonates. Energy (not merely physical non-tiredness, but the whole spectrum) plays such a critical role in how are days are spent
    Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Clark. I had started another list and was stuck about half way through when I was thinking about retirement and then the realization that the word had ten letters in it, and then the lightbulb came on. Ditched the first list and began a new one.

  4. What a beautiful list!
    I have googled "energizer bunny," and found it amusing.
