Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Six Sentence Stories - Point

It will be interesting to see the different directions writers go this week with the prompt word for the blog hop Six Sentence Stories - Point. Denise of Girlie on the Edge's Blog repeatedly comes up with just the right cue to keep us engaged in this little writing escapade. Click the link to read some more stories written in only six sentences. Are you thinking about venturing into the blog hop world? This is an easy one to test the waters.

Get up on that stool right now young man. Here, put this on and not a peep out of you, John Dunn!

Mary regretted having screamed when he had pulled a little too hard on one of her blond braids. She kind of liked him sometimes, but other times he was a pest.

As John sat on the stool he wished he could turn the dunce cap he was wearing into a conical cap like those worn by John Duns Scotus and the Dunsmen. He wondered what it would have been like to put on the wizard-like cap with a point on top that supposedly could draw down power to the brain and increase your intelligence.


  1. I'm thinking your John is intelligent enough on his own. After all, she does like him, kinda.. Delightful six!

  2. (I'm laughing to myself because I automatically inserted "damn" before "stool"). You totally draw the reader into the drama of the moment. No telling what his future holds but with an imagination like that, sky's the limit, right? :)
    Great 6!

  3. such a different world time creates as, like floating archeologists, we pass over ruins and relics of those before us*

    *or, ourselves from another time, both distant as the sky and immediate as our breath

  4. Public humiliation never works. Especially with children. It just makes for more hurt. Good six. thought provoking and therapy enducing!!!

    1. I agree with that. It is sad when I read about an occasional teacher who still thinks that method works.

  5. Awww! Public humiliation is so harmful, but that's what they did back in the day. Well done story!

  6. One twist and the poor fellow suffers. There's a reason I wore hair ribbons.

    1. Your comment brought a chuckle. For him the braids were such a temptation. :-)

  7. I'm picturing the "Our Gang" kids when I read your story! Glad the days of the dunce cap are long gone!

    1. HaHa.
      Sometimes history repeats itself, but I hope this is one of those bits of history that doesn't.
