County and state fairs are cropping up on event calendars. School supplies are lining the shelves of the stores. Families are gathering for yearly reunions before the kids are back in school. Some people have tried to escape the hot weather by traveling to cooler places. Others have been able to go on their dream vacations. We are into the third week of August and the last month has flown by without a Ten Things of Thankful post from me since July 25. It is time for me to get something posted and linked to Josie Two Shoes Ten Things of Thankful blog up.
1. Contrasts - Sometimes it takes contrasts for people to be able to appreciate things and situations. For instance in our area we are able to have a change of seasons and temperatures which may bring along accompanying sweltering heat (105° F) here on August 3. With heat like that 85° F doesn't seem so bad.
After days of sweltering temperatures in the valley, this overcast misty cool day on the Oregon coast felt quite refreshing. I took this photo from a high hilltop at Ecola State Park. As one glances through the Sitka spruce trees and shrubs lining the hillside, down below can be seen a number of sea stacks of varying heights in the water. |
2. Historical places - When we were able to escape to the coast for three days this month to get away from the hot inland weather, we stayed in our neighboring state and explored a pioneer settlement.
This white picket fence is topped with pink climbing roses. A sign with the date 1892 and Oysterville Church is attached to the fence. |
The Oysterville Church in Oysterville, Washington is painted white and has red trimmed window panes and a red door. The steeple with bell tower is alternately painted red and white in a horizontally striped fashion similar to the stripes on the USA flag. |
3. Goals - I'm thankful that through determination, hard work, and desire to work toward a goal, one of our grandsons received his white coat in a White Coat Ceremony today as he begins medical school.
4. People who care and who help - One of our daughters and her husband had a big move from a very large home into a much smaller home in another state this month. I'm thankful that there were people who were able to assist them in various ways in each state as they prepared to leave and as they arrived.
5. Aging - Yes there are some things that are difficult as one ages, but being able to look back and see the things one has learned over the years is a blessing. This month I turned another year older. I once thought as this age as old. My body reminds me that some aging is happening, but somewhere in my mind I still have times when I feel quite young.
6. Historical perspective - Having been born during the time WWII took place, some of the things I see transpiring in our country and in the world are of concern to me. When I see those who mimic the actions of those who brought terror into the hearts and minds of people during WWII, it is disheartening, but I also am glad to see many more who are speaking out to let it be known that they cherish freedom and those things for which the founding fathers fought.
7. Regular medical appointments - This month has been a month of yearly and follow-up appointments. It was a reminder to me of how important it is to get my scheduled dental cleaning done. The dentist always checks my teeth after the cleanings. Although I hadn't noticed any discomfort from any of my teeth, he discovered that I have a cracked tooth and filling in one of my molars. Although I am not ecstatic about needing another crown, with modernized dental care, this will just require one appointment. No doubt this tooth cracked when I fell and obtained the lovely black eye and bruised cheek on the same side of my face a month ago. I didn't consider going to see the dentist after the fall because I didn't notice any pain when chewing my food.
8. Calming music - What music soothes your soul? I've discovered that Hawaiian music can do that for me. What a treat it was to hear some individuals from the Marshall Islands singing at a alzheimer's/dementia center the other day. (I was visiting a friend at the center when they were having a Luau.) I recognized some of the music as songs on a CD I'd received this earlier this month. Here is a link where you will be able to watch a video of Hawaii Aloha.
9. Historical novels - After receiving a historical novel, The Life She Was Given, by Ellen Marie Wiseman this month, I've found it hard to put it down.
10. Attending memorable events - Last Sunday our son was sustained as the Bishop of the ward he attends (a congregation of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints within a given area). We were able to travel to be there for this special day.
And speaking of historical, we are in the direct path of the total solar eclipse on Monday! Are any of my readers on the direct path for this event?