Friday, December 3, 2021

Ten Things of Thankful

Are you ready? December is here and with all the things people want to do and think they have to do in December, it can be a stressful time for some, but one of the ways to manage that stress, is to sit down and take some deep breaths. Often that is where I begin, when my list for Ten Things of Thankful starts to  formulate. Other times if I fear I might forget something that meant a lot to me during the week, I'll just create a running list which I can refer back to when it comes time to post. Dyanne, our host of this blog hop and one who has her own blog, Backsies Is What There Is Not, is one busy gal who also realizes the value of being grateful. Thank you Dyanne and all the others who link up and for those who comment on the posts.

Beautiful  skimmia japanica buds forming
in December in spite of the extremely hot
dry summer we had this year

1. Good numbers on my lab tests
It is always good to know what things are within the healthy ranges.

2. A beautiful day to be outside and my body was even up to the work I wanted to accomplish that day

3. Being able to watch a great movie this week called Winter Thaw that was based on the short story, Martin, the Cobbler, by Tolstoy

The acting was superb and the story touching and apropos for the season, but there was also so much to consider about relationships among family members. I especially enjoyed all the details in the settings and in the costumes that reflected the time period of the story.

4. My husband’s help when it came time to hang the wreath on the door

The hook is on the inside of the door, so hanging the finished wreath required me being on the inside standing on a step stool and him holding the wreath on the outside of the door. I made it easy on myself this year; instead of gathering greenery from trees and foliage on our property, I bought the wreath this year, and then just added a few ornaments.

Wreath on outside of door

 Wreath ribbon attached 
to the back side of the
wreath and brought over the 
top of the door an attached

5. Cookbooks geared to specific diets

Some diets can be challenging to figure out, so finding out that someone wrote a book that is going to make it easier for us to follow the doctor’s orders is good news.

6. Receiving an email this week inviting me to register for Roots Tech

Before the onset of COVID-19 I had attended Roots Tech in person a few times. Many people want to know more about their ancestors but need more information about how to go about learning those details. Roots Tech is for not only beginners, but also for the very experienced  researchers, plus there are classes and activities for all ages. This year Roots Tech will be another free virtual conference and will be available for people throughout the world.

7. Being able to roll up the window on the driver’s side of the car after picking up some prescriptions from the drive-up window

Imagine my surprise  upon lifting my finger off the button that closed the window that the window immediately rolled back down. I tried several times to roll the window up and was met by the same results. The good news was that it wasn’t raining, but since I wanted to get some groceries at the store on the way home, I really didn’t want to leave our car in the parking lot with the window rolled down. I decided one more time to roll up the window and made the decision to not take my finger off the button for several seconds to see if perhaps the window would stay up when I took my finger off the button. That technique worked!  Later I went online to see if I could learn more about my crazy window experience and was surprised to learn that the technique I tried was actually used successfully by someone else in the forum who had the same problem. 

8. A good night’s rest

9. For all the many people who came to the aid of those evacuated again from their homes due to another round of  flooding caused by the atmospheric rivers that took place in northern Washington and in British Columbia this past week

I am also thankful for the prayers offered up by family and friends who were concerned about their well being during this time.

10. Vic and our family and friends